24 November 2012

The Ides of March (2011)
Film 63/50

have you seen the "paul ryan gosling" twitter feed yet?

Hey girl, please vote for George. 
He's not as handsome as me and could use the ego boost.

So finally got around to seeing my man Ryan in The Ides of March. Perhaps the hype around this film had built it up too much in my mind, but I really wasn't overwhelmingly in love with this one. Maybe if it had 50% more abs?

But seriously. This movie was a bit heavier than I had expected. And I knew going into it that it was a drama, so "heavy" was on the table. But man. Depress much? When did Clooney decide to only do movies that make people want to rip out their eyeballs? Is he only happy when starring alongside Brad?

Honestly, this movie is good. Well-written, acted, etc., etc., etc. and blah blah blah. Maybe it was because I watched it in a month when the 2012 election season was at its most tense. Who knows. I just didn't love it.

Ah well. They can't all be winners. Right, Governor?

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