17 June 2012
Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)
Film 38/50
I wanted this movie to be worse/funnier than it was. This review would be longer that way. Instead, you get this:
I went into the theatre with the full intent of rooting for Charlize Theron to take out Kristen Stewart (and for about a third of the film that was the case). But by the end, I was just hoping Chris Hemsworth would just take an axe to the lot of them. Then, he and I could ride off into the sunset and drink lots and lots of mead together. Now that would have been a great movie!
But no. Instead, this film rips off many of the blockbuster, special-effects-ridden adventure films of the past ten years. There are bits from the Harry Potter series (the castle looks like Hogswarts, there is a troll, Hemsworth is totally the Hermione, etc.), the Lord of the Rings trilogy (the dwarves, the arrows, the proposed two sequels), and The Matrix (Kristen Stewart is "the one").
There are several plot holes that I just couldn't get past with this film, too. First and foremost, WHY imprison Snow White in the first place? Why not kill off the one witness to the King's murder AND rightful heir to the throne? Seriously! That was poor planning from the get go.
I'm going to stop here. It's really not worth much more than a short rant. And I've got Blue Lagoon: The Awakening to watch and review for my sister.
I have no shame. But you knew that. I read Modelland, after all.
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