24 June 2012

Brave (2012)
Film 42/50

animation frame where merida shoots an arrow...bravely?

Meet Merida. The newest Disney princess. She's got amazing red hair and a fiery personality to match. Unfortunately, she stars in a film called Brave that has more to do with the concept of fate than bravery. Had this movie been titled Fate instead, this might have been a very different review.

In terms of its technical execution, this film is gorgeous. The environments are stunning; the composition, inspiring; and the character design (particularly the hair), outstanding. Unfortunately, the story is lacking in comparison to the likes of Tangled and Toy Story.

Don't get me wrong. There were elements to the story I found appealing: the mother-father-daughter dynamic, the strong female lead, and the comic-relief brothers to name a few. But these examples are woven into a story that gets muddled by too many subplots and awkward pacing. Not to mention the failure to explore the theme of bravery. At all.

With Tangled and Toy Story, the plots were straightforward and engaging. With Brave, we are bombarded with a tense mother-daughter relationship, a pending betrothal, an archery competition, a kingdom split in four (from a backstory not properly integrated), a backstory involving a prince who is turned into a bear, a wood-carving witch, the existence of magical wisps, a mother who is transformed into a bear, a torn tapestry, and a question as to whether fate can be avoided.

It's a bit much anyone to handle in 100 minutes. I'm curious to see what my 3 year old niece will make of it. I have a feeling Tangled will still be her favorite.


  1. so...it's like "ironic"...only, you know, for film?

    1. there's actually a scene where kelly macdonald sings about it raining on her betrothal day.
