I recently woke from a nap to discover this movie. It was about 30 minutes in (which would normally be an incentive for changing the channel) but this dining room scene was just playing out, and it turned out to be enough to hook me.
In fact, it had hooked me so well that I found it On Demand so I could start it from the beginning. Like a proper film.
I've probably seen it in the channel guide as I flipped through the stations looking for something to watch over the past few months. Every time, I passed on it. Guess it just took waking up at the exact right moment to change my mind.
It's not a groundbreaking or phenomenal film, but I enjoyed it for the performances. And I've always loved Jeremy Irons.
Put Jeremy Irons in a movie, and that's usually all it takes for me to watch.
So watch it. Don't watch it. It's not going to change your life either way. But if you enjoy an angsty teen flick set in The South with magical themes and special effects, this is the flick for you. Plus it has an impressive cast.
Can't go wrong with an impressive cast. Right?
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