22 April 2012

The Room (2003)
Film 31/50

"you're tearing me apart, movie-still-of-tommy-wiseau-yelling-at-lisa!"

At first, I debated whether or not to list The Room among my fifty-fifty films, as this experience was more like a live comedy act than a film screening. But then I remembered that it's only April. At this rate, I'll make my fifty movies by the end of June. And so The Room becomes Film #31.

If you haven't seen The Room (with or without Tommy Wiseau being present at that screening), you're missing out. The film is so bad; it's good. Atrocious acting, dialogue, plot holes, camera work, editing, pacing, and overall production quality. It is the perfect example of everything a filmmaker should never do. It should be a required course offering for all film students. The Room 101.

If you have seen The Room but only on your own (that is, to say, not a midnight screening where Tommy Wiseau is in attendance to answer questions or play ridiculous games), you are also missing out. Being surrounded by drunken fans chucking plastic spoons at the screen is 88% of the fun. If you come across the opportunity to see a midnight screening, I highly recommend you buy a ticket. Unless you have a pre-existing health condition that would be exasperated by watching unbelievably horrendous filmmaking at its best (worst?).

And for those of you who have seen a midnight screening, I'm willing to bet you'd go again. Wouldn't you? Oh hi, Mark. And to anyone who disagrees, I have two things to say to you: "Your point of view is so different from mine" and "Leave your stupid comments in your pocket."

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