20 January 2013

Four Movies and a Book (2012)
Films 71-74 and Book 15/50

Because I hate leaving things unfinished...here are the extremely abridged reviews for the remaining films and book that I watched/read in 2012.

i shared the same skepticism when i heard they were remaking "spiderman" already, too.

The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
I love Denis Leary. Even if he isn't allowed to swear up a blue streak.

2013: The Challenge

join us! fifty books and fifty movies in 2013.

I am determined to succeed this year.
That being said, I am off to a VERY slow start.

Happy New Year!

01 January 2013

End of Year Review

much like the film "2012", my 50/50 was an epic fail. here's to a better 2013!

And so concludes 2012. Final tally:
74* movies
21** books

That's 95/100 in my mind.

And I did manage to earn a second Master's degree this year, so I think that should count for something. Let's count it as 5 books and call it even.

So I didn't do 50/50. But that's okay! Because now it gives me something to strive for in 2013, right?