09 September 2012
War Horse (2011)
Film 60/50
Rule #1: Don't try to beat Kaiser Bill with swords. Especially if his guys have some serious artillery. Even if you ARE Benedict Cumberbatch.
So now I've seen all of the Best Film nominees from last year. Well, all but one (Midnight in Paris...I'm still debating whether or not I'll see you). Once again, I feel that the Academy chose wisely when it didn't pick you to take home the little golden man. While Spielberg certainly knows how to pull the heartstrings of his viewers, this film just didn't have the same power as found in some of his other war films. And while I wasn't expecting him to pull off another Schindler's List, I was hoping for a bit character development...at least from the human stars.
03 September 2012
The Bourne Legacy (2012)
Film 59/50
So...remember when Jeremy Renner accidentally took Viagra thinking it was Ambien while on a 12-hour flight from London? Well, it happened at the end of July...just a few short weeks before The Bourne Legacy was released to theatres. Google it, if you don't believe me. Well, having now seen the movie, I can't believe there weren't more jokes about him taking little blue pills.
If you haven't seen this film yet, it is all about Renner searching for little blue pills. Or rather searching for a way not to depend on them for their "enhancing" features anymore. I'm not making that up. Seriously.
02 September 2012
The Grey (2011)
If Jaws had been made with an alpha wolf instead of a rogue shark and Alive had been made with an oil drilling team instead of a rugby team and then the two movies had a baby, you'd get The Grey.
And that's pretty much all you need to know.
Unless, of course, you haven't seen Jaws or Alive.