...for one of the least exciting award ceremonies in ages.
Congrats to all of the winners, but mostly to Christopher Plummer. I haven't seen Beginners, but I'm glad it finally won you your first Academy Award.
Maybe next year Emma Stone can host the show? And let's not do that Cirque du Soleil interlude again, okay?
P.S. Keep to five Best Picture nominees next time, yes?
26 February 2012
Hereafter (2010)
Film 15/50
There are very few movies directed by Clint Eastwood that I've seen and disliked. Hereafter is no exception. And while it may not be my favorite Eastwood film (that honor still resides with Mystic River), this film was in no way among his worst (yes...I'm talking about you, Space Cowboys).
23 February 2012
The Tree of Life (2011)
Film 14/50
This was not a film. This was a poem told with music and memories and dream sequences and moving imagery...and Brad Pitt.
The chorus, a warm and celestial light surrounded by darkness that somehow manages to capture both the essence of birth/creation and death/destruction simultaneously, punctuates the non-linear storytelling as the film bounces between present-day New York and 1950s Texas. There is also a lengthy interlude in the beginning that presents the creation of our world and the evolution of life up to and including the meteor crashing into our then-dinosaur-populated planet; a random tangent to an otherwise touching exploration into the childhood memories of the story's focus, Jack.
22 February 2012
The Woman in Black (2012)
Film 13/50
I can't lie. I spent much of this film hiding behind my hands. That or averting my eyes from the screen by watching my sister cower in the seat next to me, her jacket collar pulled high up around her own eyes.
We were the very picture of bravery and maturity.
18 February 2012
Book 6/50
Dear Random House,
Please do not publish any subsequent installments of Ms. Banks' proposed Modelland series. We get it. Tyra's gotten bored with being Oprah and now wants to be J.K. Rowling.
Dear Amber,
It was extremely thoughtful of you to send me a copy of Modelland for Christmas. It gave me a hearty laugh when I opened the package way back in December. Unfortunately, I read it.
Still your friend,
Please do not publish any subsequent installments of Ms. Banks' proposed Modelland series. We get it. Tyra's gotten bored with being Oprah and now wants to be J.K. Rowling.
Dear Amber,
It was extremely thoughtful of you to send me a copy of Modelland for Christmas. It gave me a hearty laugh when I opened the package way back in December. Unfortunately, I read it.
Still your friend,
12 February 2012
Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius (2004)
Film 12/50
First of all, I had no intention of watching this film. But I didn't have control over the remote nor the inclination to get up and leave the room. And so Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius becomes the 12th movie in my 50/50 challenge.
09 February 2012
Case Histories
Book 5/50
Why look! I've read another book. And it's a mystery. And there's apparently a TV series based on it staring Jason Isaacs as the lead. Oh, happy day!
If you haven't read this book and enjoy mysteries, you should consider this as your next read. It's a bit different from your standard mystery novel (you know the type...murder occurs, brilliant investigator gets drawn in, all loose ends are tied up by the final page). There are certainly murders. I'm not so sure the term "brilliant" is the first to come to mind with Atkinson's protagonist, but he is not unintelligent either. And it doesn't wrap everything up for you with a neat, pretty bow at the end...which is oddly refreshing and sincere. But it has its moments where you might find yourself thinking What are the odds of that happening? or That's a bit over-the-top, Kate. Yet the mere fact that Atkinson manages a decent job of juggling three major murder plots needs to be applauded.
If you haven't read this book and enjoy mysteries, you should consider this as your next read. It's a bit different from your standard mystery novel (you know the type...murder occurs, brilliant investigator gets drawn in, all loose ends are tied up by the final page). There are certainly murders. I'm not so sure the term "brilliant" is the first to come to mind with Atkinson's protagonist, but he is not unintelligent either. And it doesn't wrap everything up for you with a neat, pretty bow at the end...which is oddly refreshing and sincere. But it has its moments where you might find yourself thinking What are the odds of that happening? or That's a bit over-the-top, Kate. Yet the mere fact that Atkinson manages a decent job of juggling three major murder plots needs to be applauded.
07 February 2012
Limitless (2011)
Film 11/50
Spoiler Alert! You will see every twist and turn coming in this movie...even without the "limitless" effects of NTZ-48. And if you don't, you must be on NTZ-48, as it appears that the one major side-effect of the drug (not including death or coma) is its power to make the user oblivious to the obvious.
04 February 2012
Winter's Bone (2010)
Film 10/50
Found it! Found. It. The performance that was superior to Portman's in Black Swan. Jennifer Lawrence...you either deserved the Oscar or were raised by a meth addict and spent your childhood making hard decisions like Do we have stewed or fried squirrel for dinner tonight?
02 February 2012
Rabbit Hole (2010)
Film 9/50
There are an infinite number of ways to cope with the death of a loved one. Some might turn to gardening or cooking. Others may dabble in real estate or smoke pot before support group meetings. A few might research theoretical science and parallel universes as inspiration for the comic book they are producing. The point is...no two people grieve in the same way. And you shouldn't compare your grief with someone else's. Yes, I'm talking to you, Diane Wiest.