29 January 2012
Black Swan/Hotel Rwanda
Films 7 & 8/50
There are only two things these films have in common: 1) I hadn't seen either of them until yesterday and 2) although I hadn't seen them, I already knew exactly what horrors I was about to witness. But please bear with me as I dissect the viewings separately, for the two are entirely different film experiences. Truly.
25 January 2012
Moneyball (2011)
Film 6/50
"Stealing Home is NOT a baseball movie."
-Joe Fidler
Sure thing, Da. But Moneyball is definitely a baseball movie. With math.
First of all, nice to see you break out of your usual character role, Jonah Hill. And congrats on the Oscar nom, too. Welcome to the Big League...so to speak.
The 84th Academy Awards
So the 2012 Academy Award nominations were posted today (or rather yesterday, as I'm typing this as I bout insomnia). As part of my 50/50 challenge, I hope to use this list to fill out some of the 50 films I hope to view this year. However, as a "revised" goal, I'm now aiming to see as many of these before the big show on February 26th. Here's the breakdown of where I stand now (and let's just say it ain't pretty):
The Artist
The Descendants
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
The Help
Midnight in Paris
The Tree of Life
War Horse
First off, I need to get this out of my system:
Dear Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences,
Please cap your nominations at five. Any more than five is just ridiculous. Nominating more than five films feels like a "trophies for everyone" move to me.
20 January 2012
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009)
Film 5/50
"But I just had to look/Having read the book."
17 January 2012
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Book 4/50
If you can make it through the first 300 pages or so, this book is smooth sailing up to the end. Or for the next 215 pages, at least.
The first half of this book is devoted purely to introducing all of the players, along with the three major plot points: Reporter Mikael Blomkvist vs. the Swedish Mafia, the Titular Character vs. the World, and this Teeny-Tiny Cold-Case Murder vs. the Other Two Plot Points. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for setting the stage by giving us backstory and character motivation. But I think those 300 pages could have been condensed to, oh say, 100 or so.
Once you get past the months and months is takes Blomkvist to learn the Vangar family tree (starting with Adam and Eve and their third cousins, Gottfried and Henrik) to the point where the cold-case actually manages a breakthrough, the book flies. Unfortunately, you have to survive some severely graphic rape scenes and the least threatening prison experience to get there.
The first half of this book is devoted purely to introducing all of the players, along with the three major plot points: Reporter Mikael Blomkvist vs. the Swedish Mafia, the Titular Character vs. the World, and this Teeny-Tiny Cold-Case Murder vs. the Other Two Plot Points. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for setting the stage by giving us backstory and character motivation. But I think those 300 pages could have been condensed to, oh say, 100 or so.
Once you get past the months and months is takes Blomkvist to learn the Vangar family tree (starting with Adam and Eve and their third cousins, Gottfried and Henrik) to the point where the cold-case actually manages a breakthrough, the book flies. Unfortunately, you have to survive some severely graphic rape scenes and the least threatening prison experience to get there.
15 January 2012
Zoolander/Red Riding Hood
Films 3 & 4/50
First, a disclaimer. I've caught a cold and am treating it by curling up on my sofa watching movies. These two just happened to be the easiest to access.
That being said...let's start with Zoolander (2001).
Yes, I've not seen Zoolander until just now, finally bringing clarity to all the Zoolander references I've seen over the past ten years. I feel like Steve Martin in Father of the Bride (1991) when Martin Short laughs at him and states, "Welcome to the 90s, Mr. Bahnks!"
14 January 2012
The Ghost Writer (2010)
Film 2/50
Oh, Ewan. I did so want to love this movie. But the ending was a bit ridiculous. That seems to be the theme of my 50/50 experience so far...ridiculous endings.
I'll admit that I had started out this morning hoping to watch The Edukators, but Netflix streaming was being uncooperative. Instead, I came across The Ghost Writer, a film that had piqued my interest back when it was showing in theatres (purely for the Ewan McGregor factor) but, much like many movies of the past few years, did not see when I had the chance. Having now had the chance to see it, I'm glad I passed on seeing it on the big screen.
09 January 2012
Book 3/50
I am not pleased. I was with Collins up until Chapter 25 began, but then...no. Wrong. Incorrect ending. I feel like I've just watched the end of the Mrs. Peacock Clue ending, and the title cards are supposed to come up and tell us, "But this is how it really happened..."
Besides the fact that the ending feels entirely rushed and unbelievable, it's terribly unsatisfying when considering the journey we have taken with Katniss from the moment her sister's name is called in the first book. What possessed Collins to write this ending? Was she attacked by tracker jackers?
For a moment, I thought we were going to see the return of the amazing Katniss Everdeen. I had come to grips with the fact that I'd suffered through the second in the series for hope of a superior third installment. How fooled I was.
Besides the fact that the ending feels entirely rushed and unbelievable, it's terribly unsatisfying when considering the journey we have taken with Katniss from the moment her sister's name is called in the first book. What possessed Collins to write this ending? Was she attacked by tracker jackers?
For a moment, I thought we were going to see the return of the amazing Katniss Everdeen. I had come to grips with the fact that I'd suffered through the second in the series for hope of a superior third installment. How fooled I was.
08 January 2012
Catching Fire
Book 2/50
So. Okay...these are fast reads.
Contains spoilers for The Hunger Games
There's really no getting around that. To talk about this book is to give away key plot points from the previous one, so if you haven't read The Hunger Games yet...stop reading this and get on with it already. Sheesh.
So...Catching Fire. Or The Hunger Games: All-Star Arena, as I prefer to call it. Once again we meet up with everyone's favorite teen-lit love triangle that doesn't involve vampires or werewolves. But while I was clearly on Team Jacob with the Twilight series, I am torn having to choose between Gale and Peeta. They're essentially the same character...just with a different number of legs.
Contains spoilers for The Hunger Games
There's really no getting around that. To talk about this book is to give away key plot points from the previous one, so if you haven't read The Hunger Games yet...stop reading this and get on with it already. Sheesh.
So...Catching Fire. Or The Hunger Games: All-Star Arena, as I prefer to call it. Once again we meet up with everyone's favorite teen-lit love triangle that doesn't involve vampires or werewolves. But while I was clearly on Team Jacob with the Twilight series, I am torn having to choose between Gale and Peeta. They're essentially the same character...just with a different number of legs.
07 January 2012
The Hunger Games
Book 1/50
I will definitely be adding its sequel Catching Fire to my "to-read" list now. And the film was already on my radar for viewing after seeing the trailer. Don't be too surprised to find me comparing the film and book in March.
So...The Hunger Games.
I couldn't help but compare the it to Twilight at times. With the whole Peeta-Katniss-Gale love triangle aspect, it was difficult to not make the connection. While I did find Collins' protagonist to be far more likable than Bella Swan, the relationship between Katniss and Peeta bares an uncanny similarity to the uncomfortable nature that is Meyer's abusively unhealthy teen pairing. But I suppose this whole "star-crossed lover" genre really all started with Pyramus and Thisbe. Thanks, Ovid.
And as for the parallels drawn between the Hunger Games and reality television, scenes from Series 7: The Contenders (2001) kept popping into my head. And although I've not read Battle Royale, it's clear that this book is not presenting any groundbreaking new material for the commentary on America's questionable love affair with our society's version of the gladiator games. Will it keep thousands from watching the next season of Survivor? Probably not.
So...The Hunger Games.
I couldn't help but compare the it to Twilight at times. With the whole Peeta-Katniss-Gale love triangle aspect, it was difficult to not make the connection. While I did find Collins' protagonist to be far more likable than Bella Swan, the relationship between Katniss and Peeta bares an uncanny similarity to the uncomfortable nature that is Meyer's abusively unhealthy teen pairing. But I suppose this whole "star-crossed lover" genre really all started with Pyramus and Thisbe. Thanks, Ovid.
And as for the parallels drawn between the Hunger Games and reality television, scenes from Series 7: The Contenders (2001) kept popping into my head. And although I've not read Battle Royale, it's clear that this book is not presenting any groundbreaking new material for the commentary on America's questionable love affair with our society's version of the gladiator games. Will it keep thousands from watching the next season of Survivor? Probably not.
06 January 2012
X-Men: First Class (2011)
Film 1/50
So who knew that Magneto could have been a dentist, right?
This film helped answer the myriad of questions I had after seeing the other four X-Men films. Questions like...How did Professor X come to procure that snazzy wheelchair? What's the deal with Magneto's fabulous, telepathic-proof helmet? And of course, why does Mystique hate the binding feel of clothes so much?
Granted, the movie certainly left enough questions unanswered to provide an excuse for a prequel sequel. Like, what's the deal with Magneto's accent and/or lack thereof? Why do pig farmers and tailors drink their beer so awkwardly, and in synchronized awkwardnessity at that? These questions will haunt me for at least...wait, what was I talking about?
04 January 2012
2012 Challenge: 50/50
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Now, I know I can do fifty movies in this amount of time. That's the easy part. Fifty books is certainly do-able, too. The question is whether I'll manage to keep up with all the reviews and record keeping for them all (as my friends and family enjoy pointing out just how good I am at doing that with goodreads). So that brings us to this blog.
Suggestions for movies/books to check out would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to post them in the comments sections or shoot me an email. And join the 50/50 challenge! Learn more or sign up at fiftyfifty.me.
Happy New Year!